Treatment of alcoholism

Our workplace now offers alcoholism treatment using aversive substances (so-called alcohol decoding). The treatment is intended for chronic alcoholics who are motivated to undergo treatment and takes the form of a three-month course, after which it can be assumed that the patient is already capable of independent abstinence without supervision. Nevertheless, we remain in contact with him for another 9 months in the form of one consultation per month, which a patient who is able to abstain from us has already completely free of charge, as a sign of our admiration for the fact that he was able to do it! A final examination by a psychiatrist and nutritionist after one year of drug addiction treatment is also free. After a year, we consider the patient cured and release him into the "free nature".
How does it work?
We first send those interested in alcoholism treatment to a general practitioner for a basic examination, including an EKG and blood sampling, which is absolutely necessary before starting treatment.
Then we explain to the patient the modular system of decoding, which includes three monthly blocks:
  • 1ST MONTH – package price of CZK 14,900 includes:
Comprehensive examination by a psychiatrist with a proposal for supportive treatment with psychopharmaceuticals (not included in the package price), homeopathy (not included in the package price) and dietary supplements (not included in the package price)
Comprehensive examination by a nutritionist with the design of nutritional support and individual determination of the menu
The application of the aversive substance (which is included in the price of the package!) takes place IN PERSON in our office (5 times a week during the 1st week of treatment and then 3 times a week), always including determination of weight, blood pressure and presence of alcohol (breath test)
Recommended literature is also included in the price
  • 2ND MONTH – package price of CZK 9,900 includes:
Control examination by a psychiatrist
Control examination by a nutritionist
The application of the aversive substance (which is still included in the price of the package!) continues to take place PRESENTLY in our office (twice a week), including the determination of weight, blood pressure and the presence of alcohol (breath test)
  • 3rd MONTH – package price of CZK 4,900 includes:
Control examination by a nutritionist and individual compilation of a long-term sustainable model of healthy and balanced eating, including the implementation of regular physical activity in everyday life
The application of the aversive substance (which is still included in the price of the package!) takes place PRESENTLY in our surgery only once a week, including the determination of weight, blood pressure and the presence of alcohol (breath test). The patient administers the second dose by himself or under the supervision of his family.
  • 4th to 11th MONTH - already completely free:
1x monthly check-up and motivational examination by a specialist in our office
  • 12TH MONTH – already completely free:
Final examination by a psychiatrist
Final examination by a nutritionist
Make an appointment. Click here!

MUDr. Miloš Rýc

Psychiatrist, head doctor of our Private Medical Care

Languages: czech - french - english - russian


Olga Mikhaylova

M.Sc. Olga Mikhaylova

Holder of a master's degree in the field of nutritional therapist at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague

Language skills: Czech - English - Russian


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